Sören Hermansson performing Rop, böljande. Photo: Jenny Hettne.
Performance at Pretoria University, South Africa, May 2023.
Rop, böljande (Calling, undulating)
For horn, objects and electronics.
Vibrating cries; a calling that breaks through the street buzzing, or the silence. Cries that ask for attention in an urban environment, or at windblown mountains. Rop, böljande was written for and in collaboration with Sören Hermansson in 2019. The emerging melody is Vall-låt från Offerdal, a folk tune used when grazing the cattle in Jämtland, a region in the north of Sweden.
Rop, böljande was premiered by Sören Hermansson at the festival Svensk Musikvår, March 2019.
Rop, böljande (Calls, undulating) was released on “Horn & Sound” in 2020 (Blue Music Group). Available on Spotify and Bandcamp: https://bluemusicgroup.bandcamp.com/album/horn-sound
In 2023, the piece was selected to CWU New Music Festival, Ellensburg, USA and performed by Jeff Snedeker.
Score available at Svensk Musik. For the tape part, contact the composer.
Other performances by Sören Hermansson include: