Jörgen Pettersson. Foto: Urban Wedin
Live recording, Sound of Stockholm 2014:
While the heart’s heartbeat beats its old song was composed for and in collaboration with Jörgen Petterson in 2014. There is a version for bass saxophone and a version for alto saxophone. After trying different possibilities on the instrument, I set my mind mainly on the very quiet sounds that is part of the mechanism of the instrument.
The tape part is made out of field recordings of urban environments. The title of the piece is a line from ”Crlicks, Arrhythmias” by James Suffern.
Fragments of the poem is heard througout the piece, read by the poet himself.
In 2017 I composed a version for amplified harp, using the same tape part.
Durata: 10’40”
Score is available for download
While the heart’s heartbeat beats its old song (2014)
for amplified saxophone and tape
While the heart’s heartbeat beats its old song was composed for and in collaboration with Jörgen Petterson. After trying different possibilities on the instrument, I set my mind mainly on the very quiet sounds that is part of the mechanism of the instrument.
The tape part is made out of field recordings of urban environments, from Chennai, India and Los Mochis, Mexico; traffic noice, a buzz of voices, street music, clinks from restaurants and someone making a speech. Listening closely to the recordings, I found a musicality, a flow. This soundworld I wanted to coalesce with the world of the saxophone.
The title of the piece is a line from ”Crlicks, Arrhythmias” by James Suffern. Fragments of the poem is heard througout the piece, read by the poet himself.
While the heart’s heartbeat beats its old song (2014)
för förstärkt saxofon och band
While the heart’s heartbeat beats its old song komponerades för och i samarbete med Jörgen Pettersson under våren 2014. Efter att tillsammans med Jörgen ha provat olika möjligheter för instrumentet, fastnade jag framförallt för en slags mekanik som uppstår i saxofonens biljud. I bakhuvudet låg några fältinspelningar av urbana miljöer som jag gjort i Chennai, Indien och Los Mochis, Mexico; trafikbuller, sorl, gatumusik, klirr från restauranger, någon som håller tal. När jag lyssnade mikroskopiskt på inspelningarna fann jag en slags naturlig musikalitet, ett flöde, och denna ljudvärld ville jag smälta samman med saxofonens.
Förutom den spansk-språkige talaren hörs i bandstämman en amerikansk röst, James Suffern. While the heart’s heartbeat beatS its old song är en diktrad ur hans dikt ”Crlicks, Arrhythmias”.