Ting and Twine (2017) is my second piece for Duo Harpverk (Katie Buckley, harp and Frank Aarnink, percussion). It was commissioned with financial support from Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse in Sweden. It was premiered in a portrait concert when Duo Harpverk also performed Wavering wood, whirling metal, Ytor böljande, the harp version of While the heart’s heartbeat beat its old song and Gesång (Frank Aarnink with guest singer Tui Hiv).
Durata: 6’30”
Score available for download.
Ting and Twine (2017)
for harp and percussion
In my newest piece for Duo Harpverk I wanted to explore three different sound categories; damped sounds (a huge set-up of pots and stones in percussion and various damping methods in the harp), non-pitch sounds (framedrum and templeblocks in percussion and the body, neck and soundboard of the harp) and finally a high frequency, shimmering sound (anvil and dobachi together with the high register of the harp).
Ting and Twine is dedicated to Duo Harpverk.